Hello, I’m Talia.

I am a small-town lawyer. I practice law in my own solo law firm in a rural county in central Washington state. I help people navigate divorce and child custody issues in the most empowered way possible. I also help small business owners start and run profitable businesses.

I’m an entrepreneur. I love running my own businesses. I’m passionate about having a rewarding and remunerative business and also, like, a life. As a systems nerd, I’m always on the hunt for efficiencies that make work easier and life better.

I am a coach. I took a foray into life coaching a couple of years ago, and it changed my life. By learning to coach others, I learned how to take control of my own brain. It has made me a better lawyer, a better business person, and a better human. I love bringing the lessons of life coaching to my practice to help my clients gain resiliency through difficult experiences.

I am a partner, dog and horse mom, and farmer. When I’m not in front of my computer, you can usually find me in Carhartts and muck boots, or out on a mountain trail somewhere.

Thanks for being here.